Sheep or Goat? You Choose!

You ever have one of those moments when your reading the bible and suddenly you find yourself asking, “Wait, what?!” There I was enjoying my quiet time in the Word, eager for whatever God wanted to teach me and KA-BOOM! BAM, I’m reading about the Final Judgement coming from the Son of Man, that it Jesus, written in red letters. Now I find myself wondering through this illustration shared by Christ, where do I stand before Him? Am I a sheep or a goat? If you haven’t yet read Matthew 26: 31-46, I strongly recommend it. Why? Well, it doesn’t end well for the goats.

As I was reading, what struck me like a lightning bolt is that the people addressing Jesus in this parable are calling Him ‘Lord’. He is talking to believers that acknowledge his divine sovereignty, yet NOT EVERYONE IS A SHEEP! So why am I freaking out? Because this illustrates it’s not enough to call Jesus Lord. Calling Jesus Lord is the prerequisite to Heaven. It’s the first step in a long journey. He has expectations for us friend. Our King commands that we serve Him by serving the least of these. We are saved by His blood so that we can pour out His love.

I must confess that I am not an expert in theology. I know that there is strong doctrinal disagreement on the role of “works” in our salvation. Here’s the thing, God knows everything. I want to encourage you to read this scripture fully and ask the Father, “What would you have me know?” Let the Holy Spirit teach you, as He did me. Let God lead your theology. Make sure you are a sheep before you face the King!

Just in case you don’t have a bible, I’ve given you the first three verses of this truth, please look up the scripture and read it in it’s entirety. Check out the Holy Bible app available for all devices so you can have God’s Word at your fingertips! Comment and share what He is teaching you!

” But when the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit upon his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered in his presence, and he will separate the people as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will place the sheep at his right hand and the goats at his left.” (Matthew 25: 31-33)

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