You Are What You Eat

Have you ever been so hungry that even gross food looks like a culinary delight? You stuff it in your mouth without a thought and then you tell yourself, “I needed that”. Perhaps you’re dragging through the day and you order an extra shot of espresso in your coffee for that much needed kick. Maybe you’ve discovered the latest and greatest keto, paleo, clean eating plan and you’re convinced that it will solve all of your woes.  Well there is truth in that old adage, “You are what you eat”. Here’s the thing, it applies to more than just food.

We saturate ourselves in stimulating stories both real and fake. The bloodier the better. We chew on news, video games, soap opera’s, episodes, movies, graphic novels, anything to distract or escape from the day to day. Is there a cost to this? As many of you know, I love a challenge. I love to look for the if/then statements in God’s word that guide me into His Truth. He has answers to this very question. The Son of Man invites us to feast on Him. Yep, that’s right. Jesus identifies Himself as the Bread of Life (John 6:35) and He does so in an if/then statement (John 6:51)!

We discover this morsel of truth in the fourth Gospel which comes to us from God through John. In it John speaks of Jesus. He sheds light through a different lens then the Synoptic Gospel accounts according to Matthew, Mark and Luke. So how is this related to food? Well in many (John 6:27; 33; 35; 48; 51; 53-55; 58) powerful descriptions, our Lord talks about eating and drinking His flesh and His blood. This, no doubt, sounded a bit creepy to the people listening. Can you imagine the scene? The day before, Jesus had served up a miraculous meal of multiplying loaves and fishes but then He took off. Curious how He met up with the disciples on the other side of the sea without a boat, the crowd followed. Why do you suppose they followed? You guessed it, the all you can eat buffet!

As soon as they get to the other side of the sea trolling for free food, Jesus calls them out. Then He sets them straight. He presents them with a HUGE if. They are used to feeding off of the food that perishes (John 6:27). That’s comfort food. It works for them, a little mac and cheese here, a little enchiladas there. No need to change, right? Wrong. Jesus is expecting them to get uncomfortable. He is expecting internal transformation. He is challenging the norm. He is expecting full commitment. He is pushing the limits. The Jews are freaking out and complaining about his claim to be the bread of life that comes from heaven (John 6:41-42). They are ready to pull out the family album as proof that He is from Mary and Joseph. Some were so enraged that Jesus changed his plans and traveled through Galilee instead of Judea to keep from the plots of murder. Isn’t this just like us? We hear truth and when it doesn’t match the norm or it seems offensive, we dismiss it. We look for all the ways we can find to minimize any required change. We crucify the messenger.

I may not always celebrate change as it comes, but when it comes from God it is always for His glory and our good. He doesn’t sugar coat salvation with pleasantries. He doesn’t add ranch dressing to the blood required for redemption so it goes down easier. He is God and He loves us enough to tell us the if’s, even when they are hard to swallow. Many of the disciples turned away that day in Capernaum because the truth was hard and difficult to understand (John 6:60). You see we all have to choose. We are either fully His or not.

Challenge Questions: What if’s has Jesus set before you? Will you leave Him for temporary comfort or will you live with Him forever?


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